After car accidents, concussions are the second leading cause of traumatic brain injury in young people ages 15 to 24. Most everyone has heard of concussions, but the majority associate concussions with football. While football is indeed the sport with the highest percentage of concussion-related injuries, young athletes suffer concussions in many other sports as […]
Knowing the Warning Signs of a Concussion Can Prevent Serious Injury, Death
It’s the fourth quarter of the Homecoming game and your son has done an excellent job as the starting quarterback. But as you watch him wind up for the game-winning throw he’s suddenly tackled to the ground. Seconds pass and your heart sinks when he doesn’t get up. A medical team rushes on to the […]
Ralph Flynn, Los Gatos Millionaire Denies he Abused Adopted Son after Pleading Guilty to Sex Abuse
Alexander Law Group’s Nina Shapirshteyn deposed Ralph Flynn, a Los Gatos millionaire, in jail regarding the sexual abuse of his son Denis whom he adopted from Russia in 2000. Ms. Shapirshteyn originally filed the civil lawsuit in 2016 on behalf of her client Denis Flynn who bravely came forward to admit that Mr. Flynn and […]
Drunk Driving in California: When can Bars be Held Liable for Serving Over-Intoxicated Patrons?
We’ve all seen it happen – we’re at a bar or restaurant and one of the patrons starts speaking a little louder than normal. He’s slurring his words and may begin to fight with his friends or with other customers. He then demands another drink from the bartender. Incredibly, the bartender serves another drink to […]
The Pros and Cons of a “Structured Settlement” in a Personal Injury Case
In many personal injury and accident cases, the case is resolved prior to trial through a “settlement.” This is some agreement in which the plaintiff agrees to dismiss the case in exchange for payment from the defendant or the defendant’s insurance company. Both sides must agree to the settlement and execute paperwork indicating the terms […]