If you stop to help someone who has been in a car wreck, can you be held liable if you accidentally hurt them? All 50 states recognize some form of immunity in this area. These laws are known as “Good Samaritan” laws. The scope of Good Samaritan immunity depends on the law of the state […]
How Can Anyone Decide How Much a Life Is Worth?
Wrongful death cases present an issue that is almost unfathomable to people outside the legal field: How do you value the premature loss of a human life? The best that the legal system can do is to try to compensate those left behind with money damages, which are never adequate to replace their loved one. […]
Spine Surgeon Sentenced to 20 Years for Fraud
A federal district court in Detroit, Michigan just sentenced a spinal surgeon to 235 months in prion. This nearly 20-year prison sentence is in relation to charges associated with fraud, unnecessary operations and fabricated procedures. Aria Sabit, MD, the 43-year-old surgeon, initially practiced at Community Memorial Hospital in Ventura, California. According to the Medscape article, […]
Is the Number of Big Rig Crashes Falling?
Crashes involving big rigs and busses are among the most devastating to both people and property. The size and weight of these vehicles, when compared to normal passenger vehicles, bring to mind a David-versus-Goliath image. It is always good news when any crash rate involving these metal giants drops. Official federal statistics show that fatal […]
Should Police Be Able to Search Your Phone for Evidence of Texting after a Crash?
Do you think that the police should be allowed to check your cell phone after a crash to see whether you were texting? Distracted driving plays an increasing role in causing accidents, not only in California, but nationwide. In fact, some states and courts are becoming more aggressive in how they are dealing with this […]