What is the purpose of buying car insurance? Certainly, one purpose is to comply with California law, which requires drivers to carry certain minimum amounts of coverage. But setting that aside, insurance is there to keep us from carrying the potentially huge cost of an accident, right? Car wrecks cost money. After an accident, there […]
New Guidelines for TBI Insufficient
While many may be rejoicing in the fact that guidelines for the management of severe traumatic brain injury (TBI) have been updated for the first time since 2007, it’s important that we don’t get too excited. MedPage Today recently reported on the insufficiencies of the new guidelines regarding severe TBI management. According to MedPage Today, […]
Neuroimaging 101: The Tests
The brain is one of the most delicate organs of the human body. Thus, in circumstances that necessitate an investigation of the brain, it is vital to preserve the brain’s integrity. This is made possible through noninvasive neuroimaging techniques that capture images of the structures of the brain and its functionalities, without the need to […]
What Is an “Invisible” Injury and What Should You Do about It?
In most cases, people experiencing injuries present physical manifestations that are clearly recognizable, such as protruding broken bones and bleeding open wounds. These visible cues are more than enough to prove that a person has suffered injuries in an accident. Unfortunately, some damage is not always obvious, at least not from the outside. This is […]
Shhh! How to Keep Your Conversations with Your Attorney Private
The relationship between a lawyer and his or her client is very nearly sacred. Really. Although lawyers sometimes get a bad rap, many of us are out there every day fighting for our clients’ rights. Recognizing this, all states have adopted what is known as the lawyer-client privilege. If you are working with a lawyer […]