Driver fatigue is the leading cause of highway crashes. Imagine the horrific damage inflicted when a trucker falls asleep at the wheel. A trucker in Oklahoma crashed into a line of stopped cars on the Will Rogers Turnpike, killing 10 people. An investigation showed that he never touched the brake pedal or tried to steer […]
What Is a Traumatic Brain Injury
A traumatic brain injury (TBI), in the simplest terms, is an injury to the brain caused by some type of trauma. Anything that bumps, jolts, or penetrates the head can cause a TBI. The damage causes a change in brain function or pathology. The Centers for Disease Control estimates that TBIs contribute to the deaths […]
Your Attorney’s Role in a Serious Injury or Death Case
Hiring a lawyer in a serious injury or death case can make a significant difference in your bottom line. Even if you are dealing with your own insurance company, you cannot expect the company to be “on your side,” to be your “good neighbor,” or even to “be there.” You may pay the premiums on […]
The Danger of Dementia Behind The Wheel
A recent study published by the Journal of the American Geriatric Society looked at the correlation between cognitive testing of people with early stages of dementia and safety behind the wheel. According to the report, there is no specific test that can predict if a person with dementia is safe behind the wheel. Researchers do […]
Fatal Crashes with Trucks Down, Injuries Up
Large trucks are generally defined as those with a gross vehicle weight rating of more than 10,000 pounds. That’s unloaded. Loaded, tractor trailers can weigh far more—up to 80,000 pounds. Contrast that with a typical passenger car, which weighs in around 3,000 pounds. A battle between these contestants is no battle at all. The Federal […]