Berkeley Bionics™, developer and maker of bionic exoskeletons that augment human strength, endurance and mobility, has unveiled eLEGS, a wearable, artificially intelligent, bionic device that powers paraplegics up to get them standing and walking. eLEGS was unveiled at a press conference today in San Francisco by Berkeley Bionics’ CEO, Eythor Bender, who explained that the […]
San Jose man killed in rear end accident identified
The victim in an early morning hit-and-run accident on Saturday has been identifed by the coroner’s office as javier Santacruz Orozco, 43 of San Jose. The accident happened on the freeway ramp that connects southbound Interstate 680 and southbound Highway 101. According to the California Highway Patrol, Orozco was killed after his car was rammed […]
Bicyclist killed in crash with Muni bus identified
A bicyclist killed in a collision with a San Francisco Municipal Railway bus Oct0ber 7, was identified by the medical examiner’s office as 22-year-old Derek Allen. According to police, Allen was biking north on Sixth Avenue between Geary Boulevard and Clement Street at about 5 p.m. when he collided with a Muni bus also traveling […]
One dead three injured in Santa Rosa auto accident
Santa Rosa – Shelli K. Shimmel, a 43-year-old female passenger of a car driven by a Santa Rosa teenager Sebastian Jenz Hollingworth, 18, died Friday night after the vehicle rolled onto its roof in Sonoma County and injured three young girls also inside the vehicle, according to the California Highway Patrol. Officers received a call […]
Is your home at risk for causing serious injury or death to your child?
On average, one child dies every two weeks due to tipovers Many parents and caregivers may not be aware that one of the top hidden hazards in the homes where young children live or visit is unsecured and unstable TVs, furniture and appliances. Today, the U.S. Consumer Product Safety Commission (CPSC) is urging families to […]