Only with the blessings of the United States Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) could a substance as dangerous as benzene carry the label of “inert”.
An Inexcusable Trap for Severe Personal Injuries: Route 1 in Moss Beach, California
Route 1 at the intersections of Virginia Avenue and Cypress Avenue, Moss Beach, California constitutes a dangerous condition of public property and creates a trap for young bicyclists that demands emergency attention to make crossing Route 1 safe for Moss Beach pedestrians and children on bicycles, in accordance with Caltrans policies.
Unexpected Acceleration by Defective Toyotas Causing Personal Injuries and Wrongful Deaths
Toyota’s marketing mantra claims: “Buy a Toyota and you’ll get much more than just a car. You’ll receive superior quality and the backing of a highly ethical corporation that’s totally dedicated to your safety, fuel economy, and overall happiness.”
You Heard it Here First: Poorer Children Likelier to Get Antipsychotics
On December 12, 2009 the New York Times reported on page one “Poor Children Likelier to Get Antipsychotics.” Kudos to Duff Wilson and the New York Times for making this issue page one news.
Preserving Your Right to Trial by Jury: Personal Injury Perspective
Major corporations and insurance companies that refuse to be held accountable for injuring people falsely claim that personal injury victims or the families of wrongful death victims are getting a great deal.