The first challenge a spinal cord injury lawyer faces is knowing and understanding the medical terms, physiology and long-term impacts of a spinal cord injury in order to teach this medical field to a jury.
Chemicals Cause Birth Defects in Children
The Toxic Substances Control Act has been on the books since 1976, and it’s done almost nothing to protect Americans from toxic substances. The Environmental Protection Agency (EPA has analyzed only 200 of the 80,000 chemicals in use, and has banned only 5.
Traumatic Brain Injuries Change Lives Forever
With more than 20 years experience as an attorney representing survivors of traumatic brain injury, I have seen first hand that the human skull isn’t designed to take impacts at the speeds encountered in cars and motorcycles, and those that baseballs reach. Athletes and construction workers wear helmets, but every year 1.4 million Americans wish […]
Avoid Binding Mandatory Arbitration
Whenever you sign a contract, you may be signing away your right to take legal action against the company requiring the agreement. In the fine print, many companies, gyms, HMOs, insurance companies, credit card companies, and contractors give themselves virtual immunity against punishment for their wrongdoings with a clause that provides that the consumer agrees […]
Old Tires with Good Tread: Personal Injuries and Wrongful Deaths
When Andy Moore left for a vacation in the family van, his father thought that he was sending his son off in a safe vehicle. The tires on the van had only 31,000 miles on them, and the tread looked good. They had passed inspection in Pennsylvania, but they were actually old tires and much […]