I have been a licensed pilot for 25 years. I will not fly on commuter lines. The following headlines sounds like a report from a Third World country. The investigation of a recent crash of a commuter airliner that caused 50 deaths reveals pilot had failed flight test five times co-pilot was inexperienced, under-trained, and […]
Airbag Failures: Preventable Personal Injuries
Airbags are valuable safety devices that can prevent serious personal injuries and wrongful deaths when they work properly. Airbags have been mandatory in cars since 1989, and now some airplane manufacturers are installing them to provide an extra layer of protection for pilots and passengers.
Paxil and Personal Injuries: On Trial For Birth Defects
GlaxoSmithKline markets Paxil as an anti-depressant that will cure everything from a mild case of the blues to Social Anxiety Disorder, but this powerful mind-altering drug has a long history of causing severe emotional problems, personal injuries, and deaths in people who turn to it for help.
Solvents Cause Personal Injuries and Wrongful Deaths: Leukemia and Brain Cancer
Solvents dissolve, suspend, or extract other materials without causing a chemical change to the material or the solvent. Solvents are in numerous products ranging from carpets, paints to cleaning products, but solvents other than water can be dangerous and deadly, especially to workers exposed to them on a daily basis. The body absorbs solvents through […]
Drug Companies Drive Up Health Care Costs
In the national healthcare debate, the costs of prescription drugs and the differences in costs between brand name medicines and their generic versions are drawing public attention. Generic medicines typically cost 30% to 80% less than brand name drugs. The lower costs of generics can bring significant savings to patients and taxpayers, but the big […]