For those of us who cherish civil liberties, the last thing we need is Sen. John McCain in the Oval Office. What many people don’t think about when pulling the lever in the voting booth is that the president appoints judges that control their lives – not only appointments to the U.S. Supreme Court, but […]
Off-Label Drug End Run Causes Personal Injuries and Wrongful Deaths
Kudos to Evelyn Pringle of the Media Monitors Network for an excellent case study of how drug companies promote profits by paying for research supporting off-label uses for products that cause personal injuries and wrongful deaths – “Just What Kids Need – Sparlon – Another ADHD Drug” (March 2006). The report features DuBose Ravenel, MD, […]
Harvard Cover-up: Off-Label Drug Profiteering Ignores Personal Injuries and Wrongful Deaths
Drug company money influences and corrupts research. That is a given. What is less understood is why drug manufacturers spend billions for research on off-label uses for their products – uses that were never cleared with the FDA when the drug was submitted for approval as safe and not causing personal injuries and wrongful deaths. […]
FDA Thinks Your Body Belongs to Them: Inadequate Protection From Personal Injuries and Wrongful Deaths
Would you like to turn over control of your health and viability – possibly your very longevity – to an understaffed, underfunded government bureaucracy? Doesn’t appeal to you, does it? The FDA (U.S. Food & Drug Administration), which if you think about it for a little while, has extraordinary power over your personal well-being – […]
Chemicals that Mimic Hormones Cause Birth Defects and 8 year-olds Reaching Puberty
Bisphenol A is a threat to your health. It’s all around you – and probably in you. And BPA is most likely the cause of early puberty in young girls, plus birth defects in newborns. Birth defects caused by exposing an unborn child to toxic chemicals was rarely discussed by doctors and hospitals before fetal […]