May 21, 2008 I shook hands with Mary Tillman, mother of Pat Tillman. a U.S. Ranger who died on April 22, 2004 in Afghanistan, near the Pakistan border. Tillman was slaughtered by American troops for no reason, with gross indifference and in direct violation of the rules of engagement. “Friendly fire” and “fratricide” are oxymorons to […]
Severe Personal Injuries: Child Hit at 33 mph
In November 2007, a BMW driving at 33 mph in the school zone next to Morrill Middle School in San Jose hit 12 year-old Rasheed Hilson at 4:20 p.m. on a bright, sunny day. Rasheed had just left a school basketball game with classmates. He ran down the driveway of the school and he was […]
Electrical Burn Injuries: Surviving 12,000 Volts
When you hear someone who has suffered a life-changing injury refer to themselves as “lucky”, you cannot help be re-inspired by the human spirit. Such is the case of David McNabb, whose story will absolutely move you . . . please read on – a valiant man who survived catastrophic electrical burn injuries when he […]
FDA Whitewashes Personal Injuries and Wrongful Deaths Caused by Trasylol
On May 14, 2008, Bayer HealthCare Pharmaceuticals Inc. announced it was recalling Trasylol and confirmed that it was pulling its U.S. stock from hospitals and doctors. The announcement was made by the FDA. The reason: severe personal injuries and wrongful deaths. Last November, in a thoroughly randomized study conduct in Canada, it was found that […]
Attacking Personal Injury Lawyers: Corporate America As Usual
“The first thing we do, let’s kill all the lawyers.” That was written by William Shakespeare, and put into the mouth of the character Dick the Butcher in ”Henry VI,” Part II, Act IV, Scene II. Waltzing into the killing fields of lawyers is an enticing idea to many, but besides the fact that some […]