Have you ever heard of the “cooperation clause” in your car insurance contract? Most people haven’t, even those who have purchased car insurance for a number of years. The first time many people learn about it is after they have filed a claim, when the company alleges that the policyholder is not cooperating in getting […]
Car / Truck / Motorcycle / SUV Accidents
Can Not Wearing a Seat Belt Be Used against You in a Lawsuit?
Some people worry that they will not be able to sue someone else for crash-related injuries unless they were wearing their seat belts. Some states do prohibit this from happening. Fortunately, California is not one of them. Companies and people defending crash lawsuits often try to blame the injured person for his or her own […]
Avoid Crashes with Big Rigs by Avoiding the No Zones
We sometimes become so accustomed to sharing the road with big rigs that we forget about the horrific damage they can cause in an accident. Our best defenses against becoming a victim of one of these accidents is respect for the size and weight of the vehicles and a better understanding of the blind spots […]
Avoiding the Most Common Causes of Crashes
Road crashes continue to wreak havoc on people’s lives, often causing devastating injuries and death. In fact, road crashes are one of the leading causes of accidental deaths in the U.S. Sadly, the loss of thousands of lives due to traffic fatalities is largely preventable. In the California Driver Handbook, car crashes are not described […]
Research Aims to Reduce Human Error in Car Crashes
Human factors. The term could certainly cover a lot of territory, but in reality, it’s an important set of information that impacts each of us every day. You see, “human factors” is an area of research that strives to improve traffic safety by learning about drivers. Human factors research tackles safety-critical issues, such as distracted […]