Large trucks are generally defined as those with a gross vehicle weight rating of more than 10,000 pounds. That’s unloaded. Loaded, tractor trailers can weigh far more—up to 80,000 pounds. Contrast that with a typical passenger car, which weighs in around 3,000 pounds. A battle between these contestants is no battle at all. The Federal […]
Car / Truck / Motorcycle / SUV Accidents
The Danger of Dementia Behind The Wheel
A recent study published by the Journal of the American Geriatric Society looked at the correlation between cognitive testing of people with early stages of dementia and safety behind the wheel. According to the report, there is no specific test that can predict if a person with dementia is safe behind the wheel. Researchers do […]
Will Autonomous Big Rigs Improve Traffic Safety
Daimler made headlines over a year ago when it began testing a self-driving big rig in Nevada. More recently, a startup that includes a group of former Google, Apple, and Tesla employees has publicized its efforts to develop “a $30,000 kit that can make any truck built since 2013 autonomous.” When autonomous big rigs come […]
How Can Truck Driver Logs Help Your Accident Case
Traffic experts often attribute crashes to three types of factors: driver, environment, and vehicle. When litigation develops over an accident involving a tractor-trailer, the focus is on evidence that bears on these issues. One of the most valuable pieces of evidence is truck driver logs. Truck driver logs include a wealth of information about driver […]
Motorcyclist Deaths Up Nationwide but Down in California
Riding a motorcycle can be exhilarating. Unlike in a passenger car, you can feel temperature changes, smell things around you, and feel your speed. Unfortunately, riders are vulnerable to injury and death in crashes. In fact, early data for 2015 shows a substantial increase nationwide in motorcycle deaths. If early projections are correct, 2015 will […]