About 48 million people (1 in 6 Americans) get sick, 128,000 are hospitalized, and 3,000 die each year from foodborne diseases, according new estimates from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. The figures are the most accurate to date due to better data and methods used. The data are published Wednesday in two articles […]
Product Liability / Defective Products
Give Up the Right to Sue for Personal Injuries Caused by Defective Products? Not a chance.
It is unconscionable for the Mercury News to devote its editorial page to the mythology that citizens who sue wrongdoers who have ruined their lives should give up their rights to aid the economy. The Mercury is guilty of publishing the propaganda of Lawrence McQuillan, the darling of right-wing crazies, without a shred of fact […]
Ford Explorer Personal Injuries and Wrongful Deaths: A Lousy Roll Model that Kills and Maims
Two members of the Tongan Royal Family, visiting the San Francisco area to discuss political reforms in their tiny South Pacific nation, stepped into a Ford Explorer for a short ride to a meeting with the Tongan community. Instead, because of decisions made by Ford executives, the Explorer gave the royals a ride to their deaths. […]
FDA Thinks Your Body Belongs to Them: Inadequate Protection From Personal Injuries and Wrongful Deaths
Would you like to turn over control of your health and viability – possibly your very longevity – to an understaffed, underfunded government bureaucracy? Doesn’t appeal to you, does it? The FDA (U.S. Food & Drug Administration), which if you think about it for a little while, has extraordinary power over your personal well-being – […]
Suing Drug Companies For Personal Injuries Should Not Be Questioned
In USA Today, April 23, 2008, the editors opine on the right of citizens to sue the FDA for defective drugs, “Our view on pharmaceutical safety: If a drug has FDA‘s OK, should you be able to sue?” USA Today acknowledges the important role of attorneys in holding drugs companies accountable but would limit the […]