Child Safety Seats in Motor Vehicles Hazard: A child secured in a child safety seat may still be injured or killed in a crash if the car seat has not been installed properly. One of the most common installation errors is failure to use a special locking clip when it is required for your vehicle.Precaution: Follow all […]
Product Liability / Defective Products
Gouging Patients Taking Thyroid Hormone Synthroid [Levothyroxine Sodium] By Knoll Pharmaceuticals
In 1962, amendments to the Food, Drug and Cosmetic Act required that safety and efficacy data be provided for all pharmaceuticals, with the exception of those marketed prior to 1938. However, if the manufacturer wished to change the indications or dosage form of a pre-1938 drug, a full safety and efficacy application, known as a […]
Explosive Devices, Public Schools, And Lenient School Administrators: The June 8, 1994 Smoke Bomb Prank At Palo Alto’s Gunn High School That Injured Eighteen
On June 8, 1994 the San Francisco Bay area was shocked to learn of the explosion of a 65 pound smoke bomb on the campus of Palo Alto’s Gunn High School which resulted in ambulances being called to the school, treatment for 18 students and serious injuries for two high school women. This sounds like […]
Settlement Of Bausch & Lomb Lens Wearer Class Action
A court-approved settlement of a consumer class action settlement against Bausch & Lomb was announced on August 1, 1996. Final approval of the proposed settlement is scheduled for hearing on Nov. 26 in Birmingham, Alabama to determine if it is fair to consumers. The fairness hearing will be two years after the court certified a […]
Consumers’ rights in the legal marketplace: problems of contingency fee clients who change attorneys
This article was published By Richard Alexander in September 1979 in the California State Bar Journal as a proposal for modifying a decision of the California Supreme Court that failed to consider the needs of consumers when changing attorneys. While this article is not a current statement of California law, the proposal made in 1979 […]