Nissan has announced a “service campaign” to repair soft brake pedal problems that have been reported by drivers of its model year 2009 Nissan Muranos. In all, 93,000 SUVs will be repaired to fix defects in their anti-lock braking systems.
A federal investigation by the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration (NHTSA) was launched in May, 2017 after model year 2009 Murano drivers reported that brake pedals dropped to the vehicle’s floorboards. Murano drivers stated that they encountered soft brake pedals when the anti-lock braking system was triggered after contact with potholes or rough terrain. The NHTSA has not yet released its findings.
Nissan Murano drivers have complained that upon bringing their cars to the dealer for repair, the master cylinders were replaced but the brake problems persisted. Others have stated that the defect in the anti-lock braking system resulted in severely shortened stopping distances and collisions with other automobiles. These drivers report that their cars finally stopped only after slamming into vehicles in front of them because the soft brake pedals failed to bring the car to a complete stop when the pedal was depressed.
In response to these reports, Nissan has confirmed that that dealers will flush the brake fluid and install new brake fluid into affected vehicles. In addition, the ABS actuator will be evaluated and replaced if it does not pass inspection after these steps have been taken. The cars will also receive a new brake fluid cap that instructs drivers to use DOT 4 fluid for their vehicles.
Back in 2015, Nissan recalled more than 9,000 model year 2015 Muranos for a similar issue. The company reported that the anti-lock braking system may not function properly, thereby increasing the risk of a serious collision. In that recall, the NHTSA stated that the vehicles contained ABS actuators with contaminated valves. The contaminated parts could result in a rapid change in brake pressure and lead to malfunctioning of the brake system. Nissan confirmed that a faulty ABS actuator could result in a destabilized vehicle and cause the car to crash.
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