After your last child, you knew your family was complete. The babies are wonderful, and you want to enjoy every moment with them. Not to mention that the pregnancy was terrible and you missed so much time at work. Sterilization was definitely the best answer for you and your family—you were so thankful that the […]
A Helmet that Can Tell When the User Has a Concussion? Why Not?
Football is a rough sport. More than any other team sport, forceful physical contact is integral to the game. Unfortunately, it has only recently come to light that brain injury is a common result of all that contact. The popular 2015 movie “Concussion” has propelled the issue of football-induced brain injury to the forefront of […]
Illegally Promoting Drugs: Can You Sue if You Suffer?
Has your doctor ever suggested that you take a prescription drug for something other than its approved purpose? You may not even know the answer to that question. Still, if you were injured or suffered as the result of off-label use promoted by your doctor or a drug company, you may be able to recover […]
What Makes a Lawyer a Lawyer, Anyway?
Who is a lawyer? So, what makes a person qualified to be a lawyer? What is it that a lawyer knows or does that you cannot do on your own? Well, these questions may have crossed your mind several times. However, the truth is that a lawyer is the only licensed professional who can represent […]
The Three Major Types of Personal Injury Lawsuits
Have you ever heard of a “tort”? No, we’re not talking about an egg-laden sweet treat but rather a group of legal theories that allows an injured person to recover money damages against another in court. When you visit an experienced personal injury lawyer, you’re talking with someone who is an expert in tort law. […]