Tardive Dyskinesia is a destructive condition that causes its victims to suffer involuntary muscle movements such as grimacing, contortions of the mouth, protrusions of the tongue, smacking of the lips, and puckering of the mouth.
Personal Injuries Caused by Undisclosed Drug Information
The FDA’s system for approving drugs is fatally flawed. So is the process that the FDA uses to make vital information about approved drugs available to doctors. As a result of these two broken approaches, every year thousands of Americans suffer serious personal injuries and wrongful deaths from the side effects of prescription medications.
Football Highlights America’s “Silent Epidemic” of Brain Injuries
When Tim Tebow “got his bell rung”, which means that he suffered a concussion, he brought attention to America’s “silent epidemic” of Traumatic Brain Injuries (TBI).
Medical Bills Are Leading Cause Of Bankruptcy
If you’ve suffered a personal injury or a serious illness, here’s a frightening fact that you should know about health insurance: it pays only your medical bills, and it usually doesn’t pay all of them. You’ll be responsible for deductibles and co-pays, and insurance companies wrongfully will often refuse to cover many of the costs […]
New Protection For Independent Contractors
As the economy changes, more and more workers are being forced to be self-employed and to required to work as independent contractors. Employers don’t have to pay taxes, disability, and overtime rates to independent contractors and theoretically the independent contractors benefit because they have greater control over where and when they work. independent contractors who […]