In the national healthcare debate, the costs of prescription drugs and the differences in costs between brand name medicines and their generic versions are drawing public attention. Generic medicines typically cost 30% to 80% less than brand name drugs. The lower costs of generics can bring significant savings to patients and taxpayers, but the big […]
Congress Must Take Action: Personal Injuries and Wrongful Deaths from Defective Medical Devices
Young Avery Degroh was the victim of a defective medical device, and because of bad laws, Medtronic, the maker of the device, faces no legal responsibility for selling a medical device that caused a severe personal injury to a child.
What Causes Cancer: Your Genes or Your Work?
Are some people doomed to cancer because of their genetic makeup, or does the environment in which a person lives and works determine his or her likelihood of acquiring the disease? The overwhelming answer, which is supported by a huge body of research, is that the environment is the primary cause of cancer. For a […]
Drunk Drivers Cause Personal Injuries and Wrongful Deaths Because It’s Legal to Drink and Drive
What we need is the Scandinavian approach. A blood alcohol concetration of .02, or one residual drink in your system, is illegal. In Norway, a BAC of 0.02-0.05 results in a major fine; over 0.05 and there is a mandatory 21 days imprisonment, loss of license and a huge fine. Alcohol and gasoline are a […]
Misconduct by Boy Scouts Inflicts Personal Injuries
What happened to Linden Feldman deserves more than the lawsuit that has been filed against the Boy Scouts of America to compensate Mr. Feldman for severe personal injuries inflicted upon him by outrageous misconduct by Scout leaders and more importantly to make sure this NEVER happens again.