Jack Zhao will never graduate from school. He will never hold a job. He will never play baseball or do any of the things that the other boys in his neighborhood do. Jack will never enjoy being a boy because he was born blind and with severe, irreversible brain damage. He also entered the world […]
Chemically Caused Personal Injuries and Disease
“Safe Until Proven Dangerous or Deadly” is the attitude that our government has taken toward chemicals. Industries don’t have to prove that a chemical is safe before using it, and harmful chemicals can be in products for years and even decades before their damaging effects begin to draw attention. The law that assures (or is […]
Preventable Personal Injuries and Wrongful Deaths of Children
The reality is that children suffer serious personal injuries and all to often death because of non-thinking adults. Saving children’s lives needs to be a greater political, social and legal priority. Children and water are a deadly combination. When children are around water and without direct adult supervision, the likelihood of drowning increases exponentially.
FDA Food Safety Failures Cause Personal Injuries and Deaths
The FDA earns thoroughly deserved criticism for allowing pharmaceutical companies to sell dangerous and deadly drugs that cause injuries and deaths, but the F in FDA is Food, and a major part of the FDA‘s job description is to assure Americans that our food supply is safe. However, as recent incidents of food poisoning show, […]
Government Agencies Responsible for Personal Injuries and Wrongful Deaths
When the United States Navy rescued Captain Richard Phillips of the cargo ship Maersk Alabama from Somali pirates, it was an opportunity for Americans to take pride in the selfless acts of some brave public servants. It was also a rare example of a government body actually doing its job and protecting the citizens of […]