“The first thing we do, let’s kill all the lawyers.” That was written by William Shakespeare, and put into the mouth of the character Dick the Butcher in ”Henry VI,” Part II, Act IV, Scene II. Waltzing into the killing fields of lawyers is an enticing idea to many, but besides the fact that some […]
United Nations Award for San Jose Judge Eugene Hyman – First Juvenile Domestic Violence Court in the US. First UN Public Service Award for an American
The United Nations Department of Economic and Social Affairs has selected recipients from 12 countries to receive the 2008 UN Public Service Awards in New York on June 23rd. The UN‘s Director of the Division for Public Administration, Mr. Guido Bertucci, announced the award May 12, 2008 in New York. Judge Eugene Hyman and the […]
Natural Gas Cars
Environment “yes.” Foreign oil “no.” With gas prices soaring above $4-a-gallon, and car emissions burning into our ozone layer, we need a better energy answer. Compressed Natural Gas is a better answer than an all electric plug in. It is what its name suggests – natural gas that is compressed. And it is far superior […]
Protect Your Privacy
Congress must make Internet privacy a national priority. The U.S. Supreme Court has done little to protecting individual privacy and since 1976 it routinely has sided with government over the rights of individuals. In 1976 The U.S. Supreme Court held in Miller v. United States that the right to privacy does not protect checks written […]
Sleep Deprivation: A $5 Million Personal Injury Recovery
The next stop is several miles away. The highway is long and monotonous. The terrain is flat. And you only had a few hours of sleep the night before. This insidious scenario is comparable to drunk driving and can easily lead to serious personal injuries and death. Safe driving requires consistent horizontal eye coordination along […]