When drivers don’t carry car insurance, they take an enormous risk if an accident occurs. Sometimes a driver cannot afford insurance or has trouble getting a policy. Nevertheless, almost all states, including California, require drivers and car owners to maintain car insurance. This law guarantees that every driver can take financial responsibility for any damages […]
New Lawsuits Against PGE for Negligence in California Fires
The wildfires that raged across California in 2017 devastated areas of both Northern and Southern California. In Northern areas, 40 people died and more than 210,000 acres were destroyed as a result of the fires. Experts estimate that repairs will cost between $10 and $12 billion dollars. Now a group of plaintiff’s attorneys have filed […]
Trucking Companys Negligence in Roadway Accidents
Commercial truck accidents are typically more disastrous than road accidents involving other vehicles. The causes for truck accidents are varied. Some accidents are the result of poor conditions or lack of familiarity with the roads. Others result from driver error caused by drug use or fatigue. But drivers are not the only individuals that can […]
Tesla Autopilot Feature Under Scrutiny
The autopilot feature of the Tesla has come under increased scrutiny after drivers allege that it is dangerously defective. Now a class action lawsuit has been brought against Tesla by approximately 50,000 customers owning Model S and Model X Teslas. The Tesla owners claim that the car swerved and slammed on the brakes while on […]
Can Concussion Victims Sue Under Products Liability Law?
The National Football League is not the only entity defending itself against claims related to traumatic brain injury. Just last year, a Pennsylvania federal court judge ordered that a lawsuit could proceed against a football helmet manufacturer for allegedly producing a defective product. The claim is that Riddell Inc., the official supplier of helmets for […]