It is somewhat metaphorical that the industry that promotes rubber tried to screw the American consumer by keeping essential safety information from becoming public knowledge. But thanks to a ruling by the U.S. Court of Appeals for the District of Columbia, the law is very clear; defective automobile tire data must be made public.
FDA and the Drug Industry: Partners in Personal Injuries and Wrongful Deaths
Instead of following its mission statement, which directs it to protect the public health, the FDA frequently puts the financial interests of drug companies ahead of the health of American citizens. As a result of that betrayal, reports of drugs that make huge profits even though they cause severe personal injuries and wrongful deaths are […]
Punitive Damages: A Bad Decision by the U.S. Supreme Court
The United States Supreme Court reduced the amount of punitive damages Exxon Mobile will have to pay for its destruction of the Alaska coastline from $5 billion to $500 million. This gift to Exxon comes on the heels of a reported $40 billion profit by the oil giant for the year 2007. This is the […]
Preventing Personal Injuries: Fixing the Government’s Blind Spot on Sideview Mirrors
The statue of Justice atop the U.S. Supreme Court wears a blindfold. No one would drive a car in that condition.
Trauma Leading Cause of Wrongful Death in Children
When 15 year old Elizabeth Smart was abducted in 2002, her case became a national story that occupied the headlines for months.