When 15 year old Elizabeth Smart was abducted in 2002, her case became a national story that occupied the headlines for months.
Paxil Causes Birth Defects
A court in Pennsylvania has ordered Glaxo (GSK) to pay Michelle David $2.5 million for past and future medical expenses for her son who was born with severe birth defects that were caused by the anti-depressant Paxil that was prescribed for her during her pregnancy. The jury based its award on its finding that GSK, […]
Fire Victims Hosed by Insurance Companies in Bad Faith
Losing your house in a fire is devastating, but having your insurance company renege on their promise to cover your loss is beyond the pale. But that is exactly what is happening all over California as increasing firestorms destroy happy lives. For many the only option is to sue these insurance companies for bad faith […]
Give Up the Right to Sue for Personal Injuries Caused by Defective Products? Not a chance.
It is unconscionable for the Mercury News to devote its editorial page to the mythology that citizens who sue wrongdoers who have ruined their lives should give up their rights to aid the economy. The Mercury is guilty of publishing the propaganda of Lawrence McQuillan, the darling of right-wing crazies, without a shred of fact […]
Allstate Forced to Pay Back Overcharges to Homeowners
There is no doubt the “good hands” people have been using them to pick Californian pockets. Allstate Insurance Company was ordered to reduce their homeowner’s rates by $255 million statewide by the California Department of Insurance. Now the question remains whether it will issue the refunds owed their customers.More than 850,000 customers will see their […]