A report of the death of a child appeared in the Mercury News on June 3, 2008 “San Jose day care center, where boy died last month, is shut down.” What makes this article different is not that the news occurred, but that it was covered.
$10 million Judgment for Brain Injury After Amica Mutual Insurance Refused to Settle for $50,000 Policy Limits
On August 22, 2008 we finalized a judgment for $10.1 million after a 15-day jury trial for a 12 year-old boy who suffered severe personal injuries when he darted into the street and was struck by a car. The defendant was speeding at 33 mph in a school zone, yet her carrier refused to pay […]
Trasylol Causes Severe Personal Injuries by Killing Kidneys
Kidney failure, stroke, heart attack and death following open heart or bypass surgery have been caused by Trasylol®, a drug manufactured by the German pharmaceutical conglomerate, Bayer AG.
BOTOX® Causes Personal Injuries Yet False Advertising Continues
In a letter dated June 23, 2003, the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) gave the following warnings to the makers of BOTOX® (Allergan, Inc.):
Avandia: Black Box Warns of Severe Personal Injuries
The U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) has announced it will require tougher warnings about heart failure for Avandia®, a drug used to treat type 2 diabetes.