The right to a trial by jury is guaranteed by the U.S. and California constitutions. It protects everyone whether they are a citizen or not, as long as they are lawfully within the U.S. Jurors determine the facts of criminal cases by unanimous vote and in civil cases for personal injuries and wrongful deaths by […]
Preventing Personal Injury and Wrongful Death: Avoid These Carcinogens
The World Resources Institute, Washington, D.C. reports that cancer death is increasing with little explanation of the cause. The first step in preventing cancer is public education on healthy living and idedntifying known carcinogens. The second step is empowering the courts and our legal system to hold accountable the manufacturers and distributors of known carcinogens […]
Pentachlorophenol: Wood Preservative Causing Personal Injury and Wrongful Death
Introduction Pentachlorophenol, a wood preservative, (also known as PCP or penta) conclusively has been established as a carcinogen in laboratory studies. It causes cancer, the severest of personal injuries, and progresses to wrongful death. Because there is a latency period of many years between exposure and diagnosis, health care providers, union representatives, workers’ compensation attorneys […]
Personal Injuries and Wrongful Deaths Caused by Chemicals in IBM Factories
When the legal care of our clients requires taking on the world’s largest corporations, that is what we do and we are proud to have funded a major contribution to medical research that has advanced scientific knowledge of the hazards of toxic solvent exposures in electronics industry. During our work for employees of IBM we […]
Employers Must Warn of Personal Injury Risks at Hiring, During Employment and Afterwards
Employers are legally required to warn employees of on-the-job hazards that will cause personal injuries. Not so well known are the employer’s duties to warn of discoveries made in pre-employment health examinations and health hazard information learned by the employer after employment has been terminated that an employee must know to prevent suffering a personal […]